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How Django Makes Web Programming Stupidly Easy

I developed IllestRhyme using Django, having never touched it before. I chose it because it's Python based, and a quick search showed there were a lot of third-party applications available. In two weeks, I had a fully functional site. The site has come a long way since it launched in the beginning of January (looking at the git commit comments is especially fun), but what let me add features so quickly was the third party apps.

First off, some best practices. When I began installing applications I did so using pip, which downloads packages (by default) from PyPi, the Python Package Index. This seemed reasonable, as I wanted stable versions of packages and an easy way to re-install everything in case of emergency. The packages on PyPI, however, usually trail the main branch of a project, sometimes significantly so. So I went back and removed all of the pip-installed packages and checked everything out from source.

I can still rebuild everything in an emergency since (a) my entire site is under source control and (b) setting up a Python dependencies file to download the packages I require was a breeze. OK, enough meta-discussion. The real question is, "what applications am I using?" Here's the current list:

  • django.contrib.auth
  • django.contrib.contenttypes
  • django.contrib.sessions
  • django.contrib.sites
  • django.contrib.messages
  • django.contrib.staticfiles
  • django.contrib.sitemaps
  • south
  • django.contrib.admin
  • django.contrib.admindocs
  • voting
  • django.contrib.comments
  • basic.inlines
  • basic.blog
  • basic.groups
  • tagging
  • django.contrib.markup
  • pybb
  • pytils
  • sorl.thumbnail
  • pagination
  • postman
  • oembed
  • analytical
  • basic.tools

Those applications gave me, in no particular order: forums, a blog, voting on user defined objects, database migrations, tagging, analytics integration, groups ("Crews" on the site) and group membership work flows, and oEmbeded links. Most required minimal setup. More importantly, they allowed me to quickly deliver features that users wanted while being able to focus on the site's core features, which were written from scratch.

In addition to being well written, most are very well documented, either via an .rst file on GitHub/bitbucket or, even better, a Sphinx generated page on ReadTheDocs. And the best part about them is they're all open source, so they're eminently malleable if you're doing something a little outside the lines. Since you have the source, it's trivial to fork the code and change it locally, merging bug fixes from the main branch. This is another reason why using the checked out code is superior to PyPI packages: you get bug fixes and features as soon as they're written.

For all of Django's pluses, though, there are some minuses. The framework can be rigid at times, forcing you into a particular way of doing things. Often that's not an issue, but sometimes you want the framework to just "get out of your way" and code closer to the bare metal. Those who are interested in a bit less restrictive frameworks should check out web.py and Pylons. That said, working within the framework (the way it's meant to be used) can lead to a huge productivity increase, as so much is taken care of for you. In the end, it's just Python code, so you almost always have an "out".

What's interesting with Django is how my development process has matured since starting the site, something I'll go into in a future post. For now, if you have any Django related questions, feel free to hit me up at jeff@jeffknupp.com... Or do what everyone else does and Google until you find a StackOverflow question that matches yours.

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Setting Up Octopress/Jekyll with Apache

So now that I got my "Hello World" post out of the way, I think it would be instructive to describe the setup process for this blog. Octopress is exactly what I've been looking for: a well styled, static page based blogging engine that doesn't get in my way. The fact that Jekyll (on which Octopress is based) is so closely integrated with git is a definite plus. So how did the install go? First some background.

I'm the founder of IllestRhyme.com, a site where users post rap verses they wrote and other users comment/vote on them. There's a ton of other features, but that's the gist of it. Anyway, I run IllestRhyme on a Linode server running Ubuntu. I use Apache for dynamic content and Lighttpd for static content. Since I already have a Linux machine on the Interwebs, I followed the instructions on my Linode machine... which is to say I basically copy and pasted the instructions:

rvm install 1.9.2 && rvm use 1.9.2
git clone git://github.com/imathis/octopress.git octopress
cd octopress    # If you use RVM, You'll be asked if you trust the .rvmrc file (say yes).
gem install bundler`
bundle install`

Everything went smoothly. Next I needed to make Apache serve both www.jeffknupp.com and www.illestrhyme.com. I created a new file in /etc/apache2/sites-available/ named 'jeffknupp.com' and added the normal VirtualHost settings. After running sudo a2ensite jeffknupp.com and reloading apache (sudo service apache2 reload), Apache helpfully warned me that I didn't have NameVirtualHost set and nothing was going to be listening on port 80. After quickly adding NameVirtualHost to my apache2.conf file, I reloaded again. I pointed my browser to www.jeffknupp.com and... saw a directory listing of my Octopress install. One quick edit to my jeffknupp.com site configuration and I was good to go. I successfully saw my Hello World post.

So how long did this all take? Maybe 20 minutes, and most of that was installing Ruby. I'm quite happy with the result: I now have a blogging engine "for hackers" that suits my needs perfectly.

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