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What Is A Web Server?

A recent post, titled "What Is A Web Framework" received quite a positive response. A number of readers, though, wanted me to do a deeper dive into web servers themselves. You may have heard of web servers like Apache(http://httpd.apache.org) or nginx. Ever wondered how they work? In this post, we'll cover what a web server is, why they exist, and how to build your own.

What is a "server"

Part of the confusion around web servers comes from that second word, "server". What is a server? How is it different from an application? Is a server a physical thing?

Confusingly, most developers use the term "server" to refer both to physical machines without a GUI interface (i.e. solely to run other applications) and long-running programs. It's the second definition we're interested in. A web server is simply a long-running program responsible for responding to HTTP requests.

That's it? It's just a program? Like any other program? Yep. That's it. Though web servers are typically viewed as black boxes by application developers, they are nothing more than programs that open a socket on port 80 (the universally agreed upon HTTP traffic port), listen for HTTP requests, and answer those requests with HTTP responses.

Modern web servers, of course, have many other features. All of them, however, somehow enhance the web server's main capabilities: responding to HTTP requests. If you've ever written an echo server, a server which simply parrots back whatever message was sent to it, a web server is not much different. It simply does more with the incoming message to craft its response.

The simplest web server

In the previous post I described the simplest possible web server. Much like an echo server, its reply to messages is fixed. Rather than echoing back the input message, however, it always responds with a static, stock message. The code for such a server follows:

import socket

listen_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
listen_socket.bind(('', 80)) # remember, 80 is the port for HTTP traffic
connection, address = listen_socket.accept()
while True:
    connection.sendall("""HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-type: text/html

            <h1>Hello, World!</h1>

We can just barely call this code a web server, since it doesn't actually properly respond to the incoming request. It does, however, provide a valid response. HTTP messages are plain-text messages that can be inspected via a simple socket.read() call.

The HTTP protocol

HTTP is the protocol that powers the web. In its simplest form, it consists of two messages: a request and a response. An HTTP request can request an HTML document, provide data to an application (like a filled out form), request that data be deleted, and much more. An HTTP response let's the client (i.e. your browser) know what happened as a result of the request and includes any data that the client requested.

HTTP requests come in many flavors (called methods or verbs), but all share the same structure. HTTP requests, like all HTTP messages, are line delimited. The first line is special: the start-line. The start-line consists of three parts: the method, the URI, and the HTTP version. The method is one of GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE, HEAD, OPTIONS, TRACE, CONNECT. GET is by far the most common, used to request a specific resource. The version is which version of the HTTP protocol the request is using.

The request indicates which resource using the URI, or Uniform Resource Identifier. A URI is like a URL, but the www.something.com portion is left off. This isn't an issue, since that portion is used to find the address to send the request to and we've already got the delivered request. URIs look like file-system paths, beginning with the root, a forward slash. In fact, they map so well to file-system paths that the default behavior of most web servers is to treat them as such.

/ is often called the document root or root directory. It indicates the directory on the web server machine from which to start when searching for a resource. For example /srv/www/public_html may be the document root of my web server. If the URI requests /images/foo.jpg, the web server will try to send the file /srv/www/public_html/images/foo.jpg in response.

Besides the start-line, there there are two other portions of the request: headers and the message-body. Headers are meta-information about the request, indicating to the web server, for example, that it is fine to gzip resources before sending them (through the Accept header). Headers are each on their own line, in a Key: Value-style format.

The message body is blank for GET requests asking for a resource. It contains data when other methods, such as POST, are used to send data to the web server.

HTTP responses are similar enough to HTTP requests that it's not necessary to break them down in detail. One difference, however, is the inclusion of a status code, a three-digit code used to indicate what action the web server took and how to interpret the message-body.

A functional web server

While our first attempt at a web server barely qualifies as one, we can use what we now know about HTTP requests and responses to improve upon the implementation a bit:

"""A web server capable of serving files from a given directory."""

import socket
import os.path
import sys

Content-Length: {}


def main():
    """Main entry point for script."""
    listen_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
    listen_socket.bind(('', int(sys.argv[1])))

    while True:
        connection, address = listen_socket.accept()
        request = connection.recv(1024)
        start_line = request.split('\n')[0]
        method, uri, version = start_line.split()
        path = DOCUMENT_ROOT + uri
        if not os.path.exists(path):
            connection.sendall('HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found\n')
            with open(path) as file_handle:
                file_contents = file_handle.read()
                response = RESPONSE_TEMPLATE.format(
                    len(file_contents), file_contents)

if __name__ == '__main__':

In this version, I've cleaned the code up a bit, added some documentation, and included the ability to server files from a directory of your choosing. To run this and see something in your browser, open a Terminal session (or whatever the equivalent is on Windows) and navigate to the directory you saved this file in. Once there, create a text file named hello.txt with with "hello" as the contents. Save it in the /tmp (or another directory of your choosing). Run the script by typing python <name_of_file.py> 8080 /tmp. Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:8080. Behold! Your message appears in your browser, from only 34 lines of Python!

What's missing

So we can now serve files from a given directory, but that's about all we can do. What's more, we're not using status codes properly. We send 404 Not Found if anything goes wrong. We should be sending the status code that matches what the problem actually is.

We're also not dealing with headers in any way. If a client sends a request and indicates, through the Accept header, that it can only receive JSON responses, we don't honor that request. Similarly, browsers have gotten quite good at caching content and displaying pages directly from the local cache. There are a number of headers used to determine caching, but we're not setting any of them.

Lastly, we have no way of letting another application (i.e. a web app) handle requests. Web servers use various means to accomplish this, but, fundamentally, the web server receives the request, recognizes it as one it's supposed to forward, and hands it off to the application to deal with.

In part two, we'll address these issues.


In part one, we learned about HTTP requests and responses, their format, and the purposes of the different parts of each message. We used this knowledge to improve our simple web server, making it capable of actually serving files based on the URI requested.

In part two, we'll address many of the shortcomings of the current approach, plus discuss some of the more esoteric responsibilities web servers have taken on over the years and how they're used.

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