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Improve Your Python: Metaclasses and Dynamic Classes With Type

metaclasses and the type keyword are each examples of little used (and, thus, not well understood by most) Python constructs. In this article, we'll explore the different, erm, "types" of type() and how the Little-known use of type relates to metaclasses.

Are You My Type?

The first use of type() is the most widely known and used: to determine the type of an object. Here, Python novices commonly interrupt and say, "But I thought Python didn't have types!" On the contrary, everything in Python has a type (even the types!) because everything is an object. Let's look at a few examples:

>>> type(1)
<class 'int'>
>>> type('foo')
<class 'str'>
>>> type(3.0)
<class 'float'>
>>> type(float)
<class 'type'>

The type of type

Everything is as expected, until we check the type of float. <class 'type'>? What is that? Well, odd, but let's continue:

>>> class Foo(object):
...     pass
>>> type(Foo)
<class 'type'>

Ah! <class 'type'> again. Apparently the type of all classes themselves is type (regardless of if they're built-in or user-defined). What about the type of type itself?

>>> type(type)
<class 'type'>

Well, it had to end somewhere. type is the type of all types, including itself. In actuality, type is a metaclass, or "a thing that builds classes". Classes, like list(), build instances of that class, as in my_list = list(). In the same way, metaclasses build types, like Foo in:

class Foo(object):

Roll Your Own Metaclass

Just like regular classes, metaclasses can be user-defined. To use it, you set a class's __metaclass__ attribute to the metaclass you built. A metaclass can be any callable, as long as it returns a type. Usually, you'll assign a class's __metaclass__ to a function that, at some point, uses a variant of type we've not yet discussed: the three parameter variety used to create classes.

The Darker Side of type

As mentioned, it turns out that type has a totally separate use, when called with three arguments. type(name, bases, dict) creates a new type, programmatically. If I had the following code:

class Foo(object):

We could achieve the exact same effect with the following:

Foo = type('Foo', (), {})

Foo is now referencing a class named "Foo", whose base class is object (classes created with type, if specified without a base class, are automatically made new-style classes).

That's all well and good, but what if we want to add member functions to Foo? This is easily achieved by setting attributes of Foo, like so:

def always_false(self):
    return False

Foo.always_false = always_false

We could have done it all in one go with the following:

Foo = type('Foo', (), {'always_false': always_false})

Of course, the bases parameter is a list of base classes of Foo. We've been leaving it empty, but it's perfectly valid to create a new class derived from Foo, again using type to create it:

FooBar = type('FooBar', (Foo), {})

When Is This Ever Useful?

Once explained to someone, type and metaclasses are one of those topics where the very next question is, "OK, so when would I use it?". The answer is, not very often at all. However, there are times when creating classes dynamically with type is the appropriate solution. Let's take a look at an example.

sandman is a library I wrote to automatically generate a REST API and web-based admin interface for existing databases (without requiring any boilerplate code). Much of the heavy lifting is done by SQLAlchemy, an ORM framework.

There is only one way to register a database table with SQLAlchemy: create a Model class describing the table (not unlike Django's models). To get SQLAlchemy to recognize a table, a class for that table must be created in some way. Since sandman doesn't have any advanced knowledge of the database structure, it can't rely on pre-made model classes to register tables. Rather, it needs to introspect the database and create these classes on the fly. Sound familiar? Any time you're creating new classes dynamically, type is the correct/only choice.

Here's the relevant code from sandman:

if not current_app.endpoint_classes:
    for name in db.metadata.tables():
        cls = type(str(name), (sandman_model, db.Model),
                {'__tablename__': name})

As you can see, if the user has not manually created a model class for a table, it is automatically created with a __tablename__ attribute set to the name of the table (used by SQLAlchemy to match tables to classes).

In Summary

In this article, we discussed the two uses of type, metaclasses, and when the alternate use of type is required. Although metaclasses are a somewhat confusing concept, hopefully you now have a good base off of which you can build through further study.