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Unit Testing in Django

As a follow-up to my post Starting a Django Project the Right Way, I wanted to talk about the importance of writing tests for Django applications. I previously mentioned that my first site IllestRhyme, has no app specific tests for it. This is both embarrassing and true. I've lost countless hours to fixing problems caused by new changes. I wasn't going to make the same mistake with linkrdr. Having a set of unit tests that I can run in an automated fashion has made a world of difference.

The Django unittest framework (really the Python unittest framework) is both simple and powerful. Along with the test client (django.test.client.Client), there's a lot you can do with Django right out of the box.


To start, we'll want to create a dump of our database data to use during testing.

$ ./manage.py dumpdata --format=json > my/app/directory/initial_data.json

This will give us a json fixture that mimics the current state of our production database. Note that since this is a fixture for all of the apps installed, we've put it in a non-standard directory. To let the test runner find our fixture, we'll need to set FIXTURE_DIRS to the directory we just dumped our data to.

Now that we have our data copied, let's run whatever tests our installed apps have already:

$  python manage.py test

This hopefully gives us output like:

Ran 357 tests in 30.025s


This is also a good check of the integrity of your database, as Django will try to load a fixture representing all of your data. If you've been screwing around with the admin interface or the shell adding and deleting records, you may have integrity errors. If you do (like I did), you'll have to fix them manually and re-dump your data.

Once we've got the tests for other apps working, it's time to write our own. They'll generally all follow the same pattern:

  1. Create a class deriving from django.test.TestCase
  2. If necessary, add a setUp function to prepare data for the tests
  3. Implement test functions with a name starting with 'test'
  4. Run the tests

You should get in the habit of running the tests after each test you create. Sometimes, you'll write a test expecting it to pass but it will highlight an issue in your code. If you go off and fix the issue without running the tests again afterwards, you may have unwittingly made another test fail with your fix.

We'll be using django.test.TestCase as the base class for our tests instead of Python's unittest.TestCase because the Django version adds (from the documentation):

  1. Automatic loading of fixtures
  2. Wrap each test in a transaction
  3. Create a TestClient instance
  4. Django-specific assertions for testing for things like redirection and form errors

One quick thing to note: all of your test functions names must begin with 'test'. If you've never used Python or Django's unittest before, you will be extremely frustrated when you define your test classes and functions, then run the tests only to have nothing happen. There's a practical reason for this decision (so you can create regular functions in your TestCase derived class), but it drives new users insane.

Adding a Test

Time for an example. linkrdr needs to be able to look-up a URL and determine if it's actually a feed. Here's a simplified version of the code I wrote to do that:

link_types= ['application/atom+xml', 'application/rss+xml',
'application/rdf+xml', 'application/xml']

def is_feed(url):
    link_type = urllib2.urlopen(url).info().gettype()
    return link_type in link_types

Simple, right? Let's add a test for it. First we'll remove anything hanging around in tests.py (like the initial contents) and start with a clean file. We're going to create a class that derives from unittest.TestCase. I'll call mine IsFeed so I know from the name what functionality it's testing.

So far we have (with the required imports)

from django.utils import unittest

class IsFeed(unittest.TestCase):

Now, we'd like to actually add some tests to our test case. Let's check to make sure my blog's atom feed is recognized as a valid feed:

from django.utils import unittest

class IsFeed(unittest.TestCase):
    """Tests the functionality of utility.is_feed
    by getting various well-known good feeds and
    making sure they validate"""

    def test_is_feed_atom(self):
    """Is the url a valid feed?"""
        url = 'http://www.jeffknupp.com/atom.xml'
        self.assertEqual(True, utility.is_feed(url))

You'll notice that I documented the test case, and you may be wondering why, since I'm a lone developer. Two reasons. First, documentation is just as useful for yourself as it is for others. Invariably, you'll come back to code you wrote a while ago and decide you were drunk while you wrote it. It just makes no sense. Having documentation helps in that respect.

The second reason is more subtle: to prepare to open-source the project. My goal is to eventually open-source almost all linkrdr that isn't essential to the site. Anyone can write a function to check if a URL is an RSS or atom feed. It would be nice to have one, though, that's been through a lot of use and checks for odd corner-cases. To that end, I'm attempting to keep all of linkrdr PEP8 and PEP257 compliant. It's a bit more to write, but I'll be glad I did once I release it into the wild.

Anyway, back to our tests. We should now be able to run the tests using:

$  python manage.py test <appname>

and get output similar to when we ran the test cases before.

Code Coverage

Tests are all well and good, but if you aren't testing a vast majority of your code, they're just a false sense of security. Code coverage tools are designed to instrument your test runs and determine what parts of your tested code were actually exercised. With code coverage tools, saying your code is 100% tested is not matter of opinion but rather a provable fact.

I use coverage.py for my code coverage. You can install it using pip via pip install coverage. Once it's installed, rerun your tests like so:

$  coverage run manage.py test

This will produce an instrumentation file that you can convert to HTML or LaTeX, or view from the command line. Run

$  coverage report

to get a snapshot of how much of your code is actually being tested by your unit tests.

More to Come

I plan on continuing describing best practices for professional Django development, started in Starting a Django Project the Right Way in future posts. Next time I'll discuss the TestClient and integrating tests into your deployment system.

Questions or comments on Unit Testing in Django? Let me know in the comments below. Also, follow me on Twitter to see all of my blog posts and updates.