Everything I know about Python...

Learn to Write Pythonic Code!

Check out the book Writing Idiomatic Python!

Looking for Python Tutoring? Remote and local (NYC) slots still available! Email me at jeff@jeffknupp.com for more info.

An Overwhelming Reponse From Women in STEM

My last post announced that I was making available to women in STEM Writing Idiomatic Python and two free tutoring sessions (I have privately tutored individuals in Python for some time). I hoped that the response would be positive. I was not prepared for just how positive it has been.

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In Support of Female Engineers

My last post, How DevOps is Killing the Developer, received quite a bit of attention on social media and technology news sites. The response was both positive and negative, but the negative reactions were really negative. I've been wondering what I can do to harness the article's popularity and turn that negative energy into something positive.

tl;dr: Female engineers are now entitled to a free copy of Writing Idiomatic Python and two hour-long private tutoring sessions. Further tutoring sessions are discounted.

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How 'DevOps' is Killing the Developer

There are two recent trends I really hate: DevOps and the notion of the "full-stack" developer. The DevOps movement is so popular that I may as well say I hate the x86 architecture or monolithic kernels. But it's true: I can't stand it. The underlying cause of my pain? This fact: not every company is a start-up, though it appears that every company must act as though they were.

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Great Products Seem Obvious in Retrospect

Note, this page originally appeared on the sandman.io blog.

sandman automatically generates a REST API service and web admin from your existing database without requiring any code!

When you look at the most disruptive technology products of the last few years (or months, decades, etc), you may notice that the products themselves seem "obvious". It's almost impossible to believe that there was a time when a service like didn't exist. Or when to find out what friends and family were doing we had to call them and ask. Or when a centralized place to share videos didn't exist on the Internet.

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Heading to PyCon!

I'm sitting in the airport with my lovely wife (who's watching me type this) waiting to board my flight to Montreal. I'm quite excited to attend my first PyCon, indeed my first large conference ever. If you're going to be there, let me know! Hit me up on Twitter (@jeffknupp), email me at jeff@jeffknupp.com or text me at (419) 455-6877. I'll be in town until Sunday afternoon, so please get in touch! Looking forward to meeting a few readers...

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